C: 903-217-8869
e: adamfbrind@gmail.com


Sermon Segments

Find answers to common search committee questions and get to know Adam better in just a few minutes with these short sermon segments

Adam on Biblical Church Leadership


Adam on the Gospel


Historical Context: Adam Explains how Unjust Jesus’ Trial Actually was


Biblical Context: Adam Explains how Gethsemane is Profoundly Connected to the Biblical Narrative


Adam Gives his Personal Testimony


A Compilation of Illustrations Adam has used to Memorably Teach Biblical Truth


A One Minute Ministry Quick View


Want to see some of Adam’s sermons in full?

We’ve got you covered!

8 Things to Know about Adam

  • Christ-focussed, gospel-centered & biblically grounded

  • 16 years of full-time ministry experience

  • Five years as lead pastor (2015-20)

  • BA (honors) in Applied Theology

  • Master of Divinity (honors)

  • PhD in homiletics (pending transfer & review)

  • Built and developed an excavation business during a five-year sabbatical in a profoundly pivotal season

  • People-oriented, grace-driven servant-leader


Brind Family Bio in 100 Words

We are a family of passionate Christ-followers who have devoted our lives to serving God in the local church. As a theologically trained couple with years of hands-on ministry experience, we have an established track-record of mobilizing God’s people to be Christ’s expression to the world around them.

Having completed a sabbatical from full-time ministry (March 2020 - Feb 2025) we are answering God’s call to enter a new season of ministry and are prayerfully seeking a place in which we can pour out our lives in service to God.

Currently residing in Texas - ready and willing to relocate to wherever God leads.


8 Things to know about Julie

  • 20 years of ministry experience

  • BA in applied theology

  • Highly creative with a passion for artistic pedagogy and performing arts

  • Expertise in pastoral care with a heart for the lost and broken

  • Developed multiple highly effective streamlined systems of communication in the local church and the private sector

  • Extensive video production experience

  • Spent much of her sabbatical teaching pre-k

  • A distinct preference for empowering others over preserving position


Adam and Julie have two children, Luke, 16 and Jack, 14. Luke and Jack are excited about the next chapter in our journey as a Christ-following family.

…and here are some even more recent pictures of the Brind family!

“The intellect and energy you use to teach, tell, and present the ideas that God has put on your heart is a true gift from Him. Your sharing of the Gospel has given me a deeper understanding of who God is, which has led to change; a transformation that I desire to continuously pursue.

— Trinity B, Greenville, Texas

I would love the chance to connect with you, wherever you are in the search process.
c: 903 217 8869
e: adamfbrind@gmail.com